How to do the Prioritisation Ballot 2022

Even I struggle with this one, so I’m going to struggle for all of us.

This is how I’m going to rank the Prioritisation Ballot, for the Green Party Autumn Conference.

As members, this is our chance to choose what is and isn’t debated, what policies matter more to us, and don’t, so it’s important you get it right.

You should use all your preferences, that way you use the maximum amount of points available to you.

The Ballot is split into Section D the Organisational Motions, changes to the constitution or one of the various committees etc, boring but highly important, and Section E the Policy Motions, interesting but ultimately unimportant for your local Green Party’s Target to Win Campaign.

Feel free to disagree with overall rankings, go for it.


(*) - Actively Bad Motions, ranked at the bottom so they may be cast into the fire.

(&) - Harmless, Uninteresting or Motions I perceive to be useless to the progression of our electoral prospects, rank…wherever?

(^) - Good Motions, ranked at the top because I think they’ll help the party win more MPs, make us interesting.

(E) - Enabling Motions, basically a motion to enable policy working groups to do stuff, they’ll probably be fast tracked so don’t require ranking highly.

    1. A toolkit for healing divisions in the Green Party(^)

    2. Change to the Constitution for Disciplinary Committee(^)

    3. SOC Motion – SOCC amendment for conference reform (^)

    4. Adopt Proactive Stance for Standing in Elections(&)

    5. Reforming the party’s Annual General Meeting(^)

    6. Pathfinder motion(^)

    7. SOC Motion - Constitutional amendment re leadership election (^)

    8. SOC Motion - Constitutional amendment re role of RON (^)

    9. Changes to GPEx(^)

    10. Changing eligibility to vote in GPEW internal elections(^)

    11. SOC Motion - SOCC amendment for separated motion submission deadlines (^)

    12. Reopen Nominations to Avoid All Men and all White Internal Elections(&)

    13. Ending new HIV Transmissions by 2030 Part 1(&)

    14. Extending the term of elected policy development committee membership(&)

    15. General Election Candidate Selection - Update to Rules(&)

    16. Wales Green Party Spokesperson Remuneration (&)

    17. Add Constitution Section on Spokespeople(&)

    18. Changes to SOC(&)

    19. Abolish No Fault Suspensions(*)

    20. Green Party committee reform and expansion(*)

    21. Enhancing the complaints process(*)

    22. Stonewall and Disaffiliation from Diversity Champions scheme(*)

    1. £15 Minimum Wage(^)

    2. Fully Fund HS2 (^)

    3. Stating opposition to anti-union and anti-strike laws (^)

    4. Supporting workers taking strike action (^)

    5. Climate targets (^)

    6. GPEW is an Eco-socialist Party (^)

    7. Moonshot to Retrofit Homes (&^)

    8. Ending new HIV Transmissions by 2030 part 2 (&)

    9. EU100-111 Interim amendments to the Vision for Europe (&)

    10. Closer Alignment to the European Union (&)

    11. Emergency Energy Reduction for the UK (&)

    12. Access to Fertility Treatment(&)

    13. Amending crime and justice policies(&)

    14. Updates to the Philosophical Basis (&)

    15. Philosophical Basis Climate and Economy Updates (&)

    16. Improving National Accountability for Climate Damage (&)

    17. Restitution and Repatriation of Cultural Objects (&)

    18. Enabling Motion for Culture and Media Policies (E)

    19. Enabling Motion for Marine and Coastal Policy Chapter (E)

    20. Enabling Motion to Rewrite the Education Policy Chapter of Policies for a Sustainable Society (E)

    21. Enabling Motion for the Disability Policy Chapter (E)

    22. Enabling Motion for the Natural Resources and Waste Management Policy Chapter (E)

    23. Enabling Motion for the Tourism and Heritage Policy (E)

    24. Dolphins and Pilot Whales in the Faroe Islands (&)

    25. Ensuring sex and gender are not conflated (*)

If you’ve made it through all that, great! You probably need therapy now.


Frequently Asked questions about a £15 Minimum wage


How to vote for GPEx and why