get £15/hr done by Friday
How to get a £15 minimum wage to the Green Party conference floor
Rank £15 Minimum Wage #1
Use All Your Preferences
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My motion for a £15 Minimum wage has absolutely smashed it's coproposal target, with 109 of you choosing to support it, but now comes the hard part, getting it to the Conference Floor.
This means ranking £15 Minimum Wage before the deadline on Friday 26th of August at the top of the E Section, and using all of your preferences.
Using all of your preferences is equally as important, as it means you use the maximum points available. (If you rank 10 motions, your top ranked motion gets 10 points, if you rank 50, if gets 50, so this is important.)
The other thing you must do is share this with your Green Party friends and activists. Plenty of people not engaged in the policy process won't know what the good and bad motions are, so we need you to help guide them.
The Green Party establishment doesn't want our motion to pass, afraid of what bosses and Radio 4 presenters will say, if you want a Green Party that stands loudly and proudly for a new deal for the working class.